Intercultural Management Congress
Zgłoś uczestnictwo



The cost of the conference is: 
700 zł Including participation and publications
100 Euro for PGV members
150 Euro for non PGV members
Money can be paid in cash during the congress or transferred to our account with a note “UNI PGV 2018” 
Account for payments in PLN:
ING Bank Śląski S.A.
04 1050 1461 1000 0023 0860 1794
Account for payments in EURO:
PKO BP S.A. I o/Łódź
PL 78 1440 1231 0000 0000 0715 9641
Account holder:
Spoleczna Akademia Nauk
ul. Sienkiewicza 9
90-113 Łódź
Cracow for Everyone – Sightseeing optional
Spending a few days is worth it in order to experience the unforgettable atmosphere. The city’s diversity and richness means that there is something for everyone. Historic palaces and churches meet modern architecture, and cosy cafes.
We are offering an organized city sightseeing tour on 21st of  September (50 EUR paid on account or during the conference).